This is one reason why Collected Company is a great card to have in creature decks since it functions basically like a flash deck where you get to place creatures during your opponent’s turn.As much as possible, use Collected Company at the opponent’s end step to prevent them from immediately destroying or wiping your creatures off the board.

This also gives you a high hit chance when you cast CoCo, reducing the probability of whiffing.Especially in Blue, Green, and White, these low-cost creatures are abundant which makes Bant the go-to colors for playing CoCo.There are a lot of creatures that cost 3-mana or less in the current format.This is particularly great as it can dodge board wipes or it can easily rebuild your board state post-wrath.With Collected Company, you can wait out playing single creatures per turn, for a bigger haul during your opponent’s turn.In a format that is creature-heavy, using ways to cheat your creatures into the battlefield is a huge advantage.Expect a huge shift in the top decks this first few days of Kaldheim. Here are the best Historic Bo1 decks before the new set arrives. Other decks that are still very powerful are those that employ ramp in their tactics.

The majority of creature decks are based around low-cost creatures that aim to overwhelm the opponent’s board state. A huge chunk of the meta is creature-based and aggressive in nature, pushing control decks to lower usage in Bo1. Most of the top-tier decks are still intact but others are getting less gameplay than they have before.

Not much has changed in the Historic meta this past month.